Communication, Organization

Remote Teams and Virtual Facilitation

I have my own biases,  having seen co-located teams work very well and having struggled with "dislocated" teams, I often recommend my clients to reconsider "dislocated" teams.  And by "dislocation" I am not saying you cannot have teams ten time zones away.  What I mean by a "dislocated" team is when three team members are… Continue reading Remote Teams and Virtual Facilitation

Communication, Organization, Product Owner

[Product Owner – Dev. Team] Ladder of Empowerment

"Scrum Teams are self-organizing and cross-functional. Self-organizing teams choose how best to accomplish their work, rather than being directed by others outside the team." - The Scrum Guide. When the whole  Scrum Team is self-organizing (in addition to the Dev. Team being self-organizing in executing the Sprint Backlog), understanding the context of Product Owner -… Continue reading [Product Owner – Dev. Team] Ladder of Empowerment

Communication, Sprint-Planning, Sprints

Scrum Master Tips: One Practice to Identify and Reduce Risks During Sprint Planning

Some time back,  I was in a Sprint Planning meeting with my team.   Listening to the conversations, it was clear that the team had a pretty good idea on what to do and how to do, but, I sensed that there quite a bit of ambiguity and uncertainty about how the planned items might… Continue reading Scrum Master Tips: One Practice to Identify and Reduce Risks During Sprint Planning


What Stops you From Really Listening to Others?

Joyce Brothers, an American psychologist said that "Listening, not imitation, may be the sincerest form of flattery". Listening is more than comprehending the meaning of what someone says. Sometime ago, I wrote an article on if you are listening to respond or listening to understand. Though many of us genuinely try to "listen to understand", it may… Continue reading What Stops you From Really Listening to Others?


Are you Listening to Respond? Or Listening to Understand ?

As a coach and facilitator, it is not uncommon that I get pulled into resolving conflicts. And before I agree to facilitate, I work out some "working agreements" or behaviors which will be adhered to, during the discussion. Among other things, I try to work something along the lines of "giving other person the space to… Continue reading Are you Listening to Respond? Or Listening to Understand ?